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Flatburn, an environmental monitoring device: the joint research between FAE Technology Spa and Massachusetts Institute of Technology

“Thanks to the ongoing collaboration with the world of research FAE Technology’s know-how keeps living a phase of progress and evolution” declared Gianmarco Lanza, director, and CEO of FAE Technology

Gazzaniga. FAE Technology Spa – innovative medium-sized business, which works in the realm of design, prototyping, engineering, and production of solutions for the integrated electronic sector, participated in the development of the new device Flatburn, released with open source-licence by Senseable City Lab of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Flatburn consists of a system self-powered by solar energy, installed on road-vehicles like buses and cars, whose purpose is to detect properties like air quality, energy efficiency of buildings, acoustic impact, and humidity. The innovation initiates a new phase of the project City Scanner, and it represents the outcome of the joint research with the Boston Senseable City Lab, directed by the Italian Carlo Ratti. The launch of Flatburn represents a signal of further development of the membership with Senseable City Lab of Boston: a cooperation that consolidates the international character of FAE Technology.

“Thanks to the ongoing collaboration with the world of research FAE Technology’s know-how keeps living a phase of progress and evolution” declared Gianmarco Lanza, director, and CEO of FAE Technology.


“Flatburn incorporates the latest developments in Iot, artificial intelligence and environmental sciences as well as a solid methodology of verification and data analysis” said Simone Mora, a researcher at MIT’s Senseable City Lab and research manager of City Scanner. Flatburn represents a new generation of drive-by environmental detectors with an open-source approach and is publicly releasing information on how to build it and interpret its data in order to contribute to technological sustainability. Some examples of the studies that this project will carry out are the analysis of polluting particles to determine the sources of pollution and the correlation of environmental data with traffic flows. The project has already been implemented in seven cities around the globe including New York, Boston, Amsterdam, and Stockholm.

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flatburn fae technology
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